RT @tonyrobbins: Yes, It’s Barbara Walters interviewing 4 billionaires who made it from scratch & not by manipulating other people money … Oct.29.2011 Twitter
“increase in intelligence translates into a kinder, gentler world” http://t.co/bV4vgplQ #peace Oct.23.2011 Twitter
RT @TheHopeGiver: Clear vision pulls you forward to your goals. Is your vision clear? Oct.20.2011 Twitter
RT @rrabicoff: Here’s my latest, “Hirtle Hedge Fund Hurtles to $37.8M.” http://t.co/ke0Da7lr #philadelphia #li Oct.18.2011 Twitter
RT @StreetofWalls: Interview with Hedge Fund manager Bill Ackman [VIDEO] http://t.co/Pt7n3F1b Oct.18.2011 Twitter
“If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.” Oct.13.2011 Twitter
RT @chetholmes: Value always trumps price. Regardless of what your competition does, never lower your price when you can add value instead. Oct.10.2011 Twitter