I’ve heard it said, we partner because we feel we are lacking. Because we feel that we cannot do it alone. I operate in a business where you cannot do it alone. But, this does not mean you must formalize a partnership, share your profit, or give away your deal.
I’ve given away a lot of deals.
Sometimes, I forget what I’ve learned. And, today -this early morning rather- I intend to write for clarity about why. Why repeat?
When I was a kid, I REALLY wanted a Nintendo. And naturally I got one. It was part of a series of gaming systems, a console. I would sit for hours trying to pass a level. Playing it over and over. Repeating the process. Changing one thing, then another, and another, until… SUCCESS!
I must compare my repetitive process to passing a level. It seems the only, well, sane answer.
Partnerships are an interesting thing. Here is some of what I have learned about them over time:
- Working with people is required.
- Aligning with someone in a moment, doesn’t mean you will tomorrow.
- Partnerships are like marriage, easy to get in to – hard to get out of.
- People are at different places energetically, honor it.
- Just because someone shows up, doesn’t mean its perfect fit, or what you think it is.
- Nonetheless, you did it. Now what can/did you learn?