I recently picked up this book again. Funny how such a cosmic book gets accolades even from someone such as Mr. Sam Walton. I am reminded of the fragile nature of force. It’s seeming relationship to winning. In my experience I have successfully won the game using force. But, as the author David R. Hawkins points out this win is not without a cost.
Power on the other hand requires no such give and take. Power simply is.
What is the nature of power? What is its source? For me having measured both, I find the easiest way to know where I am creating from is how my creativity is justified. If have to declare a reason for, or to define a methodology, then I am creating with force. In other words Power needs no justification. Remember, it is.
Power, to me, feels like clarity. Calmness. And, a vortex appears seemingly from nowhere and things just work. Magic. Another marker of force is the unsettled nature of pushing.
The viciousness of force it that the more you push the more the universe pushes back. This reminds me of an article I recently read by Richard Branson about The War on… but then again, it doesn’t much matter what the war is about, it will create disharmony.
As a kid, I liked to ride my bicycle with the wind at my back -it just felt good. It still does.