How Wearing a Pink Ribbon is BS

2 minutes
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Are you an activist? Are you a consumer? Do you eat food? Do you like being skinny, healthy, dis-ease free?

Ribbons don’t save lives, research doesn’t save lives. YES, awareness DOES save lives. But awareness about what?

If you know me, you know I am about empowerment, and that I have lived some cool-worldly-amazing experiences. Yes, I walked on 1300º degree burning hot coals. Your red hot stove is 300º and will blister your hand like no body’s business. I have used my thoughts to eat pizza every day for a month and LOSE ten pounds. I have stared into myself for eight hours just to brighten the dark corners of my mind.

So why am I writing about food awareness? I mean who cares. “Abra kadabra! I deem THIS food healthy!” Yes, I do do that. And, yes that was a pun, a shitty one like our food system. Don’t believe everything you read. Don’t believe everything you see. BUT DO notice how over-weight and grossly obese our country is as a whole. I’ll spare you the stats.

Did you know that even the average daily calorie suggestions we use are based on the average consumption of the people? Yes. What does that mean exactly? It means that our obese nation is averaged out and – voilà! Here is your daily average calorie intake! What! Wouldn’t it make more sense to use a ‘healthy’ average? Guess not. Eat Mor Chikin!!

Fast food is king, no really.

Our food is governed by industry, by the shear demand of food monopolies… what does that mean to you? It means that when you go to the super-market most of the food comes from the same place… and literally is made from the same things. Like government subsidized corn. Even that cow was fed corn, oh, and the chikin he promotes.

“I don’t eat fast food!” you exclaim. And, I must reply, “Yes you do”. When ALL of the beef sales are created by McDonalds and its competition.. the beef comes from the same slaughterhouse, created with production standards of mass-happy meal heaven.

What’s the Point?

Do you know what you’re eating? Your meat is bathed in ammonia, your vegetables are genetically enhanced. And, you are getting sick. All those pink ribbons and cancer commercials are for our loved ones. Fight Cancer get a pink ribbon! What! History doesn’t lie! Eat real food, and BE healthy.

Bottom line; know the source of your food and where it comes from. Sounds simple, it is. Do you really know the source for anything you’ve eaten this week? And, Get Involved.